Madeira Public Relations

Madeira Public Relations opened its doors in 2011 and has a rich history of serving respected local and national nonprofit organizations. Locally, our clients have included the American Heart Association, Gulfcoast Legal Services, Early Learning Coalition, PARC, Healthy Bones Tampa Bay, Meow Now, Florida Dream Center, Friends of Strays, and the Nonprofit Leadership Center.

Our work for these organizations included developing marketing and communications strategies; campaign planning and execution; research; media relations; social media campaigns; policy campaigns; content development; video production; graphic design; web design; coalition building; core skills training; and more.

Each of the aforementioned clients hired Madeira PR to lead projects that would positively impact all members of our community. Our work with the American Heart Association included outreach specifically targeting the public health needs of local black and brown residents. An example of this work included developing a relationship with The Weekly Challenger and ghostwriting articles on timely heart health topics.

Our work with GulfCoast Legal Services included a bilingual video project and research to determine how best to formulate a campaign that would effectively reach vulnerable populations.

The coalition we created for American Bone Health specifically focused on health equity and involved our seeking input and participation from such entities as the Center for Health Equity, Metro Health, military veterans, the Pinellas County Urban League, and the Hispanic Services Council, among numerous others.

One of our core service areas includes researching and evaluating an organization’s functional processes as it relates to its core mission. This commonly includes guiding nonprofit leaders on how to more effectively manage their team. These findings and recommendations are then built into the strategies we develop for our clients. This can include multi-year marketing and communications plans as well as crisis mitigation strategies.

Our work with Meow NOW, a local nonprofit dedicated to reducing the community’s stray cat population by spaying and neutering feral cat colonies, serves as an example of how we integrated management consulting services into our communications and marketing strategies.

When we first met with the organization, they shared specific fundraising goals, particularly around staffing and operational infrastructure. Through extensive research and consultation with leadership, a more nimble and cost-effective operational strategy was devised for this organization.

These operational changes redirected the focus of the marketing and communications plan we developed and presented to Meow NOW’s board of directors.

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